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How to Quit your Job

This is why many people need to quit their jobs :

  • You will be spending as much time at work as much you do at home. And when you get home, don't expect a five stars hawaiian hotel. My friend you will find yourself even more tired, cleaning, cooking or watching a boring tv-shows.

  • Friends at work : there's two type of friends at work. There's hypocrites. And there's your type ; victim, silly, looks nice but surprisingly DANGEROUS (you know what i mean). And that dangerous person, is the kid you used to be. He is the one who will lead you to your nature. He's the one who's gonna help you find your spirit. He is HONEST and REAL.

  • Future = Routine = you're dead inside = you're fake = you should better commit a suicide :)

Steps to quit your job and start traveling :

I got to say that the first and last steps are the easiest, but what's in between needs some courage. So here we go :

1.Become rich xD :

There are two ways to do that :

  • You wake up in the morning. You don't go to your job (eventually), but you go to the beach, to the woods or any other place where you can relax and enjoy your moment. You spend your evening sleeping and then you simply go to a CASINO and win a lot of money.

  • Or .. (this demands more effort) you ROB a BANK. Of Course make your plan first. Don't make it complicated, so things don't get difficult for you.

2.Fleeing to the wilderness :

As an experienced person, i want you to take my advice : "Go hide that money that you won, or stole". Because anyone who become rich that fast will always think about how to spend that money. And you shouldn't. You need to forget about it, cause you'll need it later. And keep focusing on our goal instead.

Now my friend you have to become homeless. You need to escape the softened and spoiled life you're living. And try the hard one outside. Know how pathetic our society is. Become wild.

3.Give up your job :​

Now that you learned many useful lessons about nature and about yourself, i think you're ready to face your ex-boss and tell him honestly what you wanted to, 3 or 20 years before.

If things goes bad, then it's time for "Fight Club".

4.Tattoo :

You always wanted a tattoo. Everyone does. Now don't listen to people who says that tattoo are for criminals, and psychopaths. They are what you were before. You just need to pick a beautiful and colorful one.

5.Travel :

Congratulation mi amigo you're free now. Just choose the best travel agency or just buy a jet (yacht is okay too).

Someday you will thank me for ruining your life.

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